Hello all, I have much to tell.

First off, my weekend in Dallas was very nice. Toy Story 3 is wonderful- go see it! So Monday I headed up to OKC for my interview and long story short, I didn’t get the job BUT this was a good thing overall. Despite being less than a foot away from a car accident half an hour before I walked in, I enjoyed the interview; I gained experience as well as an addition to my network. My interviewer told me, “The best thing I can do for you is not offer you this job.” They sensed that I was ready for something bigger than what they had to offer. So no worries, don’t send flowers- yes, I am still unemployed but I am ok.

Moving on…

I made the decision to not participate in the ‘program’ I started about a month ago. I talked it over with peers and family for the past week and decided it was not becoming a priority for me and it was not an environment where I was fully invested. But they were very understanding and good things were said all around.

So now, back to the drawing board. What’s next… who knows. But that’s the fun part sometimes.

Oh and here’s a little shout out to my kiddos

love love them.

oh and here’s another shout out to a great new album from great people… listen here:

New Stars- The Five Ghosts